Alexandros is 27 years old and has completed his studies in Geography at Harokopio University. During his free time, he usually combines sports and music when he's not reading novels or any other kind of books. Alexandros didn't have the opportunity to go on Erasmus but his 7 years of volunteering in the community of ESN let him take a sneak peek of the Erasmus life and show -by providing his help to the upcoming students- his love about this program.


Andriana is 22 years old and studies Nutrition and Dietetics at Harokopio University. She had her first Erasmus+ experience in Bari, Italy (2019) and she is looking forward to her next Erasmus step. Andriana loves dancing, playing the piano, reading detective novels, exploring nature and being around with friends.  Through her ESN experience she hopes her skills and knowledge will be beneficial for organizing the local section even more. Her primary concern though is to be there for every member's needs. 


Elpida is 20 years old and studies Geography at Harokopio University. She hasn't been to Erasmus before but she is willing to go in the near future. Some of her hobbies are playing football (or other sports), instruments like piano and toubeleki and of course hiking as she finds nature very calming. She became an ESN Haro member because she loves volunteering and meeting new people from different countries!


Ioanna is 21 years old and studies Nutrition and Dietetics at Harokopio University. She hasn't experienced the Erasmus life yet but she hopes she will be able to next year. In her free time, she likes playing tennis, watching anime or movies and hanging out with friends. She joined ESN as she wants to get out of her comfort zone, make new friends and help Erasmus students in need.


Christos is 22 years old and has studied Informatics and Telematics at Harokopio University. He has been in Krakow, Poland with the Erasmus+ program. He likes sports, music and movies. In ESN he hopes to make new friends while learning more about the various cultures around the world. He also aspires to make the Erasmus experience of the incoming Erasmus students as exciting as possible.